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DATIM Release 1.19a was deployed on January 6th, 2016.
DATIM v1.19a was deployed as a follow on to DATIM 1.19 with some additional technical fixes.
Resolved Defects:
- Mechanism Importer and DHIS2 2.24 Updates
The MechanismImporter and DHIS 2.24 were both updated in this release. DHIS2 2.24 was updated because the CategoryOptionComboUpdate call was failing as needed for new mechanisms added by the MechanismImporter.Strip time from date before comparison (DHIS2 2.24 returns date with time, so the MechanismImporter was needlessly updating the start/end dates for every mechanism). Other issues fixed include:
- Some explicit arguments were needed on some Web API calls in 2.24 that were not needed before. These have been added.
- In 2.24 an empty string '' was sometimes returned on success from a WebAPI call where before no string was returned. This had been reported as an error because the empty string could not be parsed for valid JSON content. This condition is now treated as normal.
- When a partner name is found to have two different partner codes, the partner codes are displayed in parentheses at the end of the partner name. Currently this only applies to "Society for Family Health" which is associated with partner codes 6557 and 16843. This was causing new user group assignments to be made on alternating dates to associated the partner "Society for Family Health" with the user groups for one or the other of these codes. This has been fixed by creating the two partner names "Society for Family Health (6557)" and "Society for Family Health (16843)".
- Some performance improvements (made in the code some time ago but not yet deployed)
- Option sets do not accept a 0 value
In the data entry app, if a data element is a TEXT optionset, selecting a value whose code is "0" will not send the datavalue to the server. The dataelement has "Store Zero Values" selected as well. This fix ensures that the 0 value is recorded for optionsets.
- Event Reports module fails to load (temporary config fix)
A temporary configuration fix was applied to the servers to allow for event reports to be loaded. A more permanent fix to this issue is being developed.
- Data Import Performance Fix
A fix was implemented to significantly improve the performance of data import.
Changes to MER forms are captured in the 1.19 release notes which can be found below:
DATIM upgraded to version 1.19 on January 9, 2017. This upgrade primarily includes:
- The transition from MER 1.0 to MER 2.0 for FY17 RESULTS entry. These updated indicators will also be used for COP 17 (FY18) Target entry, but with some additional changes to come (see v1.20 once released). Further elaboration on these indicators are provided in the remaining sections.
- Functional and layout enhancements to promote data quality
NOTE: Please clear your browser cache before entering data by following the instructions here. Without clearing your cache first, you run the risk of entering data into the incorrect forms. Clearing your cache is necessary only once on each computer that you use to access DATIM. Please inform your colleagues with DATIM access of this important notification |
1. 90-90-90 Global Goals
All MER 2.0 indicators within this release are now aligned and categorized under the 90-90-90 Global Goals. Previously, with MER 1.0, the indicators were categorized under their respective tech areas such LAB, HRH,INVS, GEND, HIV / TB, etc. Information about these new and updated indicators are listed based on these Global Goals.
Reference the appendix section for screenshots of new and updated indicators. Screenshots are not provided for indicators no longer being reported (deprecated).
2. Prevention
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- The Age / Sex Disaggregate group now includes Male 15-19, 20-24, 25-49, 50+
- An optional Key Population disaggregate group
- 25-49, 50+ age bands added for Female
- Denominator is no longer being collected
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- <60 days, 2 months to 9 years age bands added
- Previous: <1, 1-9
2.3.KP_PREV (Numerator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW – An optional Status / Key Population disaggregate group
- Numerator is now auto-calculated. Auto-calculation will be the sum of all values entered into the Key Population Type disaggregate group
- MSM and TG are separated for data entry
- Previous: Grouped together as MSM / Transgender
2.4.KP_PREV (Denominator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- Denominator entry removed, denominator total is now the sum of all values entered into the Key Population estimate in the catchment area
- PWID is now a single entry field
- Previous: PWID separated by sex
- MSM and TG are now separated for data entry
- Previous: Grouped together as MSM / Transgender
- MSM / TG Sex Workers removed from reporting
2.5.PP_PREV (Numerator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW – Status disaggregate group added: Known Positive, Newly Tested and / or referred for testing, Declined testing and / or referral
2.6.PP_PREV (Denominator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW – Age / Sex disaggregate group added: Female / Male: 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-49, 50+
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW – Program Status disaggregate group added: Active, Graduated, Transferred, Exited without graduation
- Numerator is now auto-calculated. Auto-calculation will be the sum of all values entered into the Program Status disaggregate group
- Addition of Program Status disaggregate group
- Age bands: <1 and 1-9 do not take sex into account
- Previous: Ages <1, 1-4, 5-9 contained entry for both sexes
- No longer reporting for ages <10 in the Service Area disaggregate group
- Previous: Ages <1, 1-4, 5-9 contained entry for both sexes
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- Numerator is now auto-calculated. Auto-calculation will be the sum of all values entered into the Sex disaggregate group
- Unknown Sex disaggregate added
- Previous: Sex disaggregate included Female, Male
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW – Addition of Violence Service Type by age / sex disaggregate group
NOTE: A subsequent update to this indicator will be made. The change will first be reflected in Release 1.20 for COP 17, then will be made for Q4 reporting |
- Sexual, Physical and / or Emotional Violence are now auto-calculated. Auto-calculations will be the sum of all values entered into their respective Age / Sex disaggregate groups
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW – There are no more data value entries for this indicator. Indicator now uses a question and answer format. Due to the changes in layout and entry, reference the screenshot in the Appendix section.
- CHANGES / UPDATES – This indicator is no longer reporting within the DSD and TA tabs, the indicator has been moved to the Other tab
3. 90 = Knowing HIV Status
Formerly named HTC_TST.
***NOTE: The indicator is re-named HTS_TST for data entry, but the data element used for data analytics will REMAIN as HTC***
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- Key Population disaggregate split by Status now available for entry
- Service Modality disaggregate group by Status / Age / Sex now available for entry.
- Each Service Modality contains its own HTS label / header
- Reference screenshot for the changes, Service modality between the community and facility sites are different
3.2.PMTCT_STAT (Numerator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW – Age disaggregate group added: Unknown, <10, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-49, 50+
- Unknown, <10, 10-14 age bands added to the Status disaggregate group
- Negative status added to the Status disaggregate group
3.3.PMTCT_STAT (Denominator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- Unknown, <10, 10-14 age bands added to the Status disaggregate group
- Denominator is now auto-calculated. Auto-calculation will be the sum of all values entered into the Age disaggregate group
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- Numerator is now auto-calculated. Auto-calculation will be the sum of all values entered into the Infant Test Results disaggregate group
- Negative status and those with no results recorded added under Infant Test Results disaggregate group
3.5.TB_STAT (Numerator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- Age / Sex / Result combined into a single disaggregate group
- Previous: Age, Sex, and Result each contained its own disaggregate group
- Unknown age and Unknown sex band added
- Positive status now split into two: New and Known Positives
- Previous: Positive only
3.6.TB_STAT (Denominator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator with the following changes
- NEW - Denominator now contains an Age / Sex / Result disaggregate group for entry. This was not previously collected
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based AND MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD). This is a NEW indicator being collected beginning FYQ2. Reference screenshot in the Appendix section
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is an existing indicator from MER 1.0, but was not collected as part of COP 16. Data will be collected, then entered during FYQ4
- Numerator is now auto-calculated. Auto-calculation will be the sum of all values entered into the Outcome Type disaggregate group
- The status disaggregates have been simplified
- Previous: Outcome Type disaggregates were sub-categorized by ART linkage, and breastfeeding status
4. 90:90 = On ART
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD).
- TB Diagnosis disaggregate group
- Optional Key Population disaggregate group
- Finer disaggregate group now separates <10 into <1 and 1-9 age bands without distinction to sex
- Previous: <1, 1-4, 5-9 age bands for each sex
- Unknown Age and Sex, <15, 15+ updated into Coarse disaggregate group by Sex
- Previous: <1, 1-14, 15+ for each sex
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD).
- Indicator is now reported quarterly
- Previous: Semi-annual
- Finer disaggregate group now separates <10 into <1 and 1-9 age bands without distinction to sex
- Previous: <1, 1-4, 5-9 age bands for each sex
- Unknown Age and Sex, <15, 15+ updated into Coarse disaggregate group by Sex
- Previous: <1, 1-14, 15+ for each sex
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This indicator is considered NEW for MER 2.0, and will be collected beginning FYQ1. Targets collected for COP 16. Reference screenshot in the Appendix section
4.4.TB_ART (Numerator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD).
- Result disaggregate group: Already on ART, New on ART
- Indicator is now reported quarterly
- Previous: Semi-annual
- Finer and Coarse disaggregates now includes sex
- Previous: Disaggregated by age only
- Finer disaggregate group now separates <10 into <1 and 1-9 age bands
- Previous: <1, 1-4, 5-9
- Coarse disaggregate now consolidates into <15, 15+
- Previous: <1, 1-14, 15+
- REMOVED – Known / New Positives and Timeline disaggregate groups
4.5.TB_ART (Denominator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD).
- NEW - Denominator now contains Results, Age / Sex disaggregate groups for reporting
5. 90:90:90 = Viral Suppression
5.1.TX_RET (Numerator) / TX_RET (Denominator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD).
- Data entry now available for 24 and 36 month of treatment
- Finer and Coarse disaggregates now includes sex
- Previous: Disaggregated by age only
- Finer disaggregate group now separates <10 into <1 and 1-9 age bands
- Previous: <1, 1-4, 5-9
- Coarse disaggregate now consolidates into Unknown, <15, 15+
- Previous: <1, 1-14, 15+
5.2.TX_PVLS (Numerator) / TX_PVLS (Denominator)
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This indicator is considered NEW for MER 2.0, and will be collected beginning FYQ4. Targets collected for COP 16. Reference screenshot in the Appendix section
6. Health Systems
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based, MER Results: Community Based (Includes DoD), and MER Results: Operating Unit Level (IM). This is an existing indicator now being added to one additional dataset.
NOTE: A subsequent update to this indicator will be made. The change will first be reflected in Release 1.20 for COP 17, then will be made for Q4 reporting. There is currently no screenshot for this indicator, screenshot will be provided with Release 1.20 |
- NEW - New data set association for reporting at the OU level: MER Results: Operating Unit Level (IM) in addition to the community and facility levels
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is a NEW indicator being collected beginning FYQ4. Reference screenshot in the Appendix section
NOTE: A subsequent update to this indicator will be made. The change will first be reflected in Release 1.20 for COP 17, then will be made for Q4 reporting. There is currently no screenshot for this indicator, screenshot will be provided with Release 1.20 |
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is a NEW indicator being collected beginning FYQ4.
Dataset Association = MER Results: Facility Based (Includes DoD). This is a NEW indicator being collected beginning FYQ4. Users must first determine if this is a Laboratory or a POCT site by selecting one or the other from the LAB_PTCQI dropdown. Users will then only complete ONE of the two following Lab indicators:
- If Lab, users will ONLY complete LAB_PTCQI (Lab). Do not make any selections for LAB_PTCQI (POCT)
- If POCT, users will ONLY complete LAB_PTCQI (POCT). Do not make any selections for LAB_PTCQI (Lab)
Reference screenshots in the Appendix section.
Dataset Association = MER Results: Operating Unit Level (IM).
- CHANGES / UPDATES - Four new data points added
- 1st Line ARVs for Number of commodities purchased and US Dollars spent
NOTE: A subsequent format/layout update to this indicator will be made. The change will be made prior to Q4 reporting. |
- 2nd Line ARVs for Number of commodities purchased and US Dollars spent
7. Deprecated Indicators / Indicators No Longer Reported
As part of MER 2.0, these indicators will no longer be reported beginning FY17
- TB_SCREENDX was collected as part of COP 16, but this indicator (along with TB_SCREEN) will no longer be collected during FY17
8. Appendix - SCREENSHOTS
9. Prevention
9.1. PrEP_NEW
9.3 KP_PREV (Numerator)
9.4. KP_PREV (Denominator)
9.5. PP_PREV (Numerator)
9.6. PP_PREV (Denominator)
9.8. KP_MAT
10. 90=Knowing HIV Status
10.1. HTS_TST (Formerly HTC_TST) at the FACILITY Level
10.2. HTS TST (Formerly HTC_TST) at the COMMUNITY Level
10.3. PMTCT_STAT (Numerator)
10.4. PMTCT_STAT (Denominator)
10.6. TB_STAT (Numerator)
10.7. TB_STAT (Denominator)
10.9. PMTCT_FO
11. 90:90= On ART
11.1. TX_NEW
11.2. TX_CURR
11.4. TB_ART (Numerator)
11.5. TB_ART (Denominator)
12. 90:90:90=Viral Suppression
12.1 TX_RET (Numerator)
12.2. TX_RET (Denominator)
12.3. TX_PVLS (Numerator)
12.4. TX_PVLS (Denominator)
13. Health Systems