“I just entered data in DATIM but I can’t see it!?”
After entering data into DATIM, there is a process that needs to run to propagate that information to other applications, such as the Pivot Tables, Data Approval, or Data Deduplication. This means there is some lag from the time data is entered to when you will see it reflected in the system. The process that propagates this data is called “Analytics” and it typically runs every 90 minutes. However, runtimes could be longer during periods of increased DATIM activity (COP, WAD, etc.).
DATIM continuously runs a script to propagate data entered in the “Data Entry App” to the other applications (for users with the proper privileges to then access that data.) This script is called the analytics table generation.
Users can check to see when the analytics table has generated by navigating to their DATIM user name initials in the top right corner > clicking "About DHIS2" > and looking for the runtimes in the System info Section.