DATIM Release 1.21.b was deployed as a maintenance release on April 18th, 2017.
DATIM v1.21.b includes a MER update to the system.
MER 2.0 Update:
1. SC_STOCK is now a semi-annual indicator and is available for data entry
SC_STOCK is now open for data entry for Q2. Please note the following changes to SC_STOCK:
• SC_STOCK: Deploy this updated indicator for semi-annual (Q2/Q4) Results data entry
• New/Updated: Added the following commodities:
• OI Drugs
• Other
• Changed: Removed the following commodities from the previous SC_STOCK indicator:
• Pediatric Co-Trimoxazole
• Adult Co-Trimoxazole
• Syphilis Tests
• Numerator: Verbiage was changed to “Number of stock status observations per tracer commodity that are between the designed minimum and maximum quantities/months of stock from storage sites at a given level (Central, Regional, etc.) of the system.”
• Denominator: Verbiage changed to “Total number of stock status observations per tracer commodity from storage sites at a given level (Central, Regional, etc.) of the system.”
1. Data Approval application will only show open periods in the dropdown The Data Approval application has been modified so that it will only show periods that are open for data entry or cleaning in the dropdowns (this will function much as the Data Deduplication application functions as far as the period dropdown).
Data Issue Resolution:
2. Some data that was inadvertently entered for Haiti for FY17Q1 has been removed