Release Notes 1.22 (September 6, 2017)

Shayna Padovano -

DATIM Release 1.22 was deployed as a maintenance release on September 9th, 2017.

DATIM 1.22 is an update to DHIS2 version 2.27. This release also makes a change to agency users.

Agency Users can now view unapproved data

By default, all agency users now have the ability to view unapproved data for their Implementing Partners in DATIM. This permission now extends to the DATIM Pivot Tables as well as to the Genie. In order to ONLY view Partner approved data, the user will have to select the “Data approved at level” in the pivot tables. This dropdown exists under the “Options” menu.


DHIS2 2.27 Upgrade:

Highlights of upgraded DATIM functionality are listed below. For a full review of the new features available in DHIS2 2.27, please see the DHIS2 2.27 documentation on the DHIS 2 website. Please note that all functionality for DHIS2 2.27 may not be available in DATIM.


Highlights for DATIM:



Improved password security (for new accounts or reset passwords only): The system now provides greater security and control over passwords.


- The minimum number of characters in passwords has been set to 8

- Password must contain a mix of characters from the following categories: uppercase, lowercase, numeric and special (non-alphanumeric).

- When changing passwords, users cannot use any of the 24 previously used passwords.


Screenshot | Docs Users app | Docs System Settings app




Period and organisation unit drill-down: The Pivot Table app now supports drill-down (and up) for periods and organisation unit. This means that you can, for example, drill down from yearly periods to quarters, months and weeks inside the pivot table. You can also drill down from the global organisation unit to countries, provinces and facilities.

Screenshot 1 | 2 | Docs

Organisation unit levels as columns: When downloading a pivot table with organisation units as rows and the “Show hierarchy” option enabled in the options dialog, each organisation unit level is rendered as a separate column. This is useful for example when you create Excel pivot tables on a local computer.

Screenshot | Docs

Hide empty columns: The Pivot Table app now lets you hide empty columns in the table. You enable this in the Table options dialog.

Screenshot | Docs

Legend by data element: In the Pivot Table app, you can now color the table cells according to each data element or indicator individually. You enable this in the Table options dialog by setting legend to “By data item”.

Screenshot | Docs

Row and column % in pivots tables: In the Pivot Table app you can now display values as percentages of row total or percentage of column total (instead of the aggregated value). This is useful in order to see the contribution of data elements, categories and organisation units to the total value. You enable this in Table options dialog.

Screenshot | Docs

100% stacked column charts: In the Data Visualizer app you can now display 100% stacked column charts. You enable this in the Chart options dialog.

Screenshot | Docs

Cumulative values in line charts: In the Data Visualizer app you can now create line charts with cumulative values. You enable this in the Chart options dialog.

Screenshot | Docs

Chart title handling: In the Data Visualizer app you can now control the chart title and subtitle, in terms of hiding or displaying the as well as specifying custom titles. You enable this in the Chart options dialog.

Screenshot | Docs

Hide missing values handling: The Data Visualizer app now offers better control over hiding of missing values. You can choose between “Before first value”, “After last value” and “Before first and after last value”. This is useful for example when creating column and bar charts. You enable this in the Chart options dialog.

Screenshot | Docs

Group set flexibility: Data element groups and organisation unit groups can now be part of any number of group sets. This allows for increased flexibility in analysis. This change also allows for persisting the “All items” checkbox as part of favorites in analytics apps.

Screenshot | Docs org unit group set | Docs data element group set

Attribute option combos in indicators: You can now specify data elements together with attribute option combinations in indicator expressions. This is useful e.g. to compare targets vs results, or the performance of various programs in indicator calculations. UI support is not yet there, attribute option combos can be entered directly in the expression, see the docs.

Screenshot | Docs

Favorites and interpretations in event analytics apps: The new, file-based favorite solution has been introduced in the Event Reports and Event Visualizer apps, similar to the solution in for example the Pivot Table app. This means that you can now also create and share interpretations for event reports and event charts.

Screenshot | Docs Event Visualizer app | Docs Event Reports app

Program category dimensions in event analytics apps: The Event Reports and Event Visualizer apps let you use program categories and category option group sets as dimensions for tables and charts. This applies for programs with category combinations.

Screenshot | Docs Event Visualizer app | Docs Event Reports app

Multiple legend sets per data element: In Event reports and Event Visualizer apps you can aggregate events by multiple legend sets per data element. This becomes useful e.g. with age groups. You can collect age in years as part of an event and then aggregate into various age groups, i.e. by 10 year intervals or 15 year intervals. This way, data can be collected once and later used to satisfy multiple reporting needs.

Screenshot 1 | 2 | Docs

Program and event status: You can now filter data by program status and event status in the Event Reports and Event Visualizer apps. You can set these filters from the options dialog.

Screenshot | Docs Event Visualizer app | Docs Event Reports app

Program stage count in indicators: Program indicators support a variable for counting the number of events for a program stage.

Screenshot | Docs

Most viewed favorites: Event reports and event visualizer provides links to your most popular favorites on the start page.



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