Release Notes 1.23 (January 3, 2018)

Harold Kim -

DATIM upgraded to version 1.23 on January 3, 2018 

NOTE: Please clear your browser cache before entering data by following the instructions here. Without clearing your cache first, you run the risk of entering data into the incorrect forms. Clearing your cache is necessary only once on each computer that you use to access DATIM.  Please inform your colleagues with DATIM access of this important notification

For a PDF version of these release notes, please see the DATIM Release Notes 1.23_3Jan2018 attachment at the bottom of this page.

For screenshots, please reference the FY18 Results & COP18/FY19 Target Screenshots Appendix attached at the bottom of this page.

1. Overview of changes

These updates were deployed to DATIM on January 3, 2018 in preparation for FY18 Q1 Data MER Results data entry period opening on January 8, 2018.  The COP18/FY19 MER Target data entry screens are expected to be available for data entry on January 15, 2018.

  • This update includes MER FY18 Results and COP18/FY19 Targets data entry form updates (details listed below)
  • Two new HTS_TST Modalities added to the Facility Level (Emergency Ward and STI Clinics)
  • New HTS_SELF indicator added to FY18 results and COP18/FY19 targets
  • New PMTCT_HEI_POS indicator added to FY18 Results
  • New disaggregates added to TB_PREV and TX_TB
  • Host Country Results data set tab verbiage was updated from “ARV/HTC” to “ART and HTS”
  • The new 5-year fine age/sex disaggregates were added to the COP18/FY19 Target forms: Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F). The FY18 MER Results 5-year fine age/sex disaggregate updates are expected to be available for FY18Q2 data entry in DATIM.
  • Data dimension name and short name updates. Additional details, including impacted favorites, can be found at this link.

2. Indicator Updates - Prevention Tab


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – KP verbiage updated: "Transgender" to "Transgender People" and "People in prison and other enclosed settings" to "People in prisons and other closed settings".
  • Changes – Added new "Other Key Population" data entry field to the "Optional: KP type" disaggregate
  • Age/Sex Disaggs - Targets only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Results Only: added 2 new data entry boxes for the "Follow-Up Status" to the technique/follow-up status disaggregate for "NOT within 14 days, or did not follow-up within reporting period."
  • Age/Sex Disaggs - Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).

KP_PREV Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – KP verbiage updated: "Transgender" to "Transgender People" and "People in prison and other enclosed settings" to "People in prisons and other closed settings".

KP_PREV Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – KP verbiage updated: "Transgender" to "Transgender People" and "People in prison and other enclosed settings" to "People in prisons and other closed settings"
  • No Target form

PP_PREV Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only)

  • Age/Sex Disaggs - Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).

PP_PREV Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only)

  • No update
  • No Target form

TB_PREV Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – Update the numerator verbiage to say "Number of ART patients who completed a course of TB preventive therapy during the reporting period (including those on prolonged or continuous IPT who have completed the first 6 months of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT))."
  • Changes – Remove the "Type of Therapy" disaggregate from the numerator and denominator and add a new disaggregate for "Type of TB Preventive Therapy by ART Start". New disaggregates for therapy are "IPT" and "Alternative TPT Regimen" disaggregated by "Newly enrolled on ART" and "Previously enrolled on ART".

TB_PREV Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Remove the "Type of Therapy" disaggregate from the numerator and denominator and add a new disaggregate for "Type of TB Preventive Therapy by ART Start". New disaggregates for therapy are "IPT" and "Alternative TPT Regimen" disaggregated by "Newly enrolled on ART" and "Previously enrolled on ART".


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Update Age/Sex/Service Area disaggregate to include Under 10 age bands
  • Note – Additional changes to the Results form is expected in FY18Q2.


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only),

  • Changes – Results Only: ‘Number of people receiving PEP services’ disaggregate is now further disaggregated by age/sex and its location in the data entry screen has been moved to the bottom of the indicator.
  • Age/Sex Disaggs - Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only). 

  • No update

3. Indicator Updates - 90 = Knowing HIV Status Tab

HTS_TST (Facility)

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only).

  • Changes – Added two new modalities, STI Clinic and Emergency Ward.
  • Changes – Targets Only: Remove Coarse Age/Sex disaggregates.
  • Changes – Targets Only: Remove the ‘Positive Result’ data entry box from the numerator.
  • Changes – Verbiage: Updated the HTS PITC modality headers at the MER Facility level to start with "PITC Modality: (type)"
  • Age/Sex Disaggs - Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).

HTS_TST (Community)

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Removed ‘Home-Based’ modality
  • Changes – Targets Only: Remove Coarse Age/Sex disaggregates.
  • Changes – Targets Only: Remove the ‘Positive Result’ data entry box from the numerator.
  • Changes – Verbiage: Updated the HTS PITC modality headers at the MER Facility level to start with "PITC Modality: (type)"
  • Age/Sex Disaggs - Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only).    

  • NEW Indicator for Targets and Results

PMTCT_STAT Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – Verbiage: Change the numerator language to say "Number of pregnant women with known HIV status at first antenatal care visit (ANC1) (includes those who already knew their HIV status prior to ANC1)."
  • Age/Sex Disaggs - Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).

PMTCT_STAT Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • No update
  • No Target form


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – Removed all Test results from the disaggregate.  Disaggregate by AGE ONLY now (0  ≤ 2 Months & 2-12 Months).
  • Changes – Verbiage: Change the numerator to "Number of infants who had a first virologic HIV test (sample collected) by 12 months of age during the reporting period. Numerator will auto-calculate from infant age at first test.”


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only). 

  • NEW Indicator: Results Only

TB_STAT Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.

TB_STAT Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Targets Only: Indicator data entry screen added back to Cop18/FY19 Targets. Note – Target data entry form only has a Numerator data entry box (no auto-calculated numerator or disaggregates)


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • No update
  • No Target form

4. Indicators Update - 90:90 = On ART Tab


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only

  • Changes – KP verbiage updated: "Transgender" to "Transgender People" and "People in prison and other enclosed settings" to "People in prisons and other closed settings"
  • Changes – Targets Only: Coarse Age/Sex disaggregates removed.
  • Changes – Results Only: Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.
  • Age/Sex Disaggs – Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Results Only: Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.
  • Changes – Targets Only: Coarse Age/Sex disaggregates removed.
  • Age/Sex Disaggs – Targets Only: Fine age/sex disaggregate added to target form. Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F).


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • No update

TB_ART Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Changes – Results Only: Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.

TB_ART Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only). 

  • Data entry screen removed

TX_TB Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • No update

TX_TB Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – Remove the "Type of Therapy" disaggregate from the numerator and denominator and add a new disaggregate for "Type of TB Preventive Therapy by ART Start". New disaggregates for therapy are "IPT" and "Alternative TPT Regimen" disaggregated by "Newly enrolled on ART" and "Previously enrolled on ART".

5. Indicator Updates - 90:90:90 = Viral Suppression Tab

TX_RET Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only).

  • Changes – Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.

TX_RET Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only).

  • Changes – Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.

TX_PVLS Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only).

  • Changes – Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.
  • Changes – Targets Only: TX_PVLS Numerator removed from FY19 Targets

TX_PVLS Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets: Facility Based (and DoD Only).

  • Changes – Remove ‘Unknown Sex’ from Coarse Age/Sex disaggregate.
  • Changes – Targets Only: Remove 'Disaggregated by Preg / BF / Indication' from data entry screen.

6. Health Systems


Dataset Association = MER Results: Operating Unit Level (IM).  Reference screenshots in the Appendix section.

  • Changes – Update the disagg title verbiage to say "Disaggregated by Cadre Category“.


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based, MER Results:  Community Based (Includes DoD), and MER Results: Operating Unit Level (IM).  Reference screenshots in the Appendix section.

  • No update
  • No Target form


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (Includes DoD).  Reference screenshots in the Appendix section.

  • No update
  • No Target form


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (Includes DoD).  This is a NEW indicator being collected beginning FY17 Q4.

  • No update
  • No Target form


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)

  • Changes – New disaggregate for testing volume added

7. Additional data entry indicators updated


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).

  • Changes – Verbiage: Change ARV to ART.


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).

  • Changes – Verbiage: Change ARV to ART.


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).

  • New Indicator


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).

  • New Indicator

8. Deprecated Indicator(s)

  • TB_ART Denominator removed from FY18 Results and FY19 Targets
  • TX_PVLS Numerator removed from FY19 Targets
  • LAB_PTCQI removed from FY19 Targets
  • LAB_PTCQI_MIL removed from FY19 Targets
  • HRH_PRE removed from FY19 Targets


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