ER Data Change Request

Marc-Endre Dion -

What is it?

The Expenditure Reporting Data Change Request process has been implemented to allow Implementing Partners, in coordination with Agency Points of Contact (POC) and the PEPFAR Coordinators Office (PCO), to make changes to Expenditure Reporting data after the Cleaning and Resubmission period has closed.

How to Submit?

To initiate an Expenditure Reporting (ER) Data Change Request, please follow the steps below:

  1. To submit an ER Data Change Request, implementing partners will contact their Agency POCs to indicate that they need to make a change to the ER data that was submitted during the normal data collection window.
  2. The Agency POC will then work with the Implementing Partner to review changes, and determine if they approve the proposed changes. This process will involve a review of the template with the proposed changes. Please be aware that the template that contains the proposed changes will overwrite any previous templates and thus should contain the IPs complete and correct ER record for the full Fiscal Year.
  3. If Agency POC approves change, PCO should be contacted and their approval requested.
  4. Once Agency POC and PCO approvals have been confirmed, PCO should contact OU chair and PPM to obtain their approvals.
  5. Once all four approvals have been received, the data change request is ready to be submitted. The first step in submitting the ER Data Change Request is to download and complete the "ER Data Change Request Form". The “ER Data Change Request Form” is attached at the bottom of this page. The PCO should complete the “ER Data Change Request Form”.
  6. At this stage, the PCO or Agency POC can submit the data change request in DATIM Zendesk. To do this, complete the DATIM ZenDesk ticket and attach the completed "ER Data Change Request Form" and “ER Template”. Please ensure when completing your ticket that you select “Data Change Request for a Closed Period (Expenditure Reporting)” from the drop-down menu.
    • Please note, the ER Template is the same template as is used during the data entry/ reporting period.
  7. Once submitted, the ticket will be sent to the Program Efficiency Team, who will begin the process of reviewing the ER Data Change request form and ER template. Please note that Agency POCs and PCOs may be contacted for additional information throughout this process. The submitter will be notified following internal review if the request is approved.

Things to Know

  • Requests can be submitted only after the most recent cleaning and resubmission period has closed, from February 2nd through June 7th. Change requests for prior year reporting/ submission data will not be entertained. 
  • The submission of a request does not guarantee its approval. 
  • The timeframe for actioning these requests may depend upon the complexity of the request and the DATIM Support Team’s backlog.
  • This data change requests process does not apply to new submissions.
  • Requesters will not interact with the system (DATIM). The Systems team will update the data on behalf of the requester after the appropriate reviewal and approval process.
  • Each new request will override previous submissions. This means that old data will not be retrievable following the execution of the submitted change request.



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