Section 3: Guidance for Data Entry

Carlos Palacio -


This section of Expenditure Reporting guidance and training focuses on data entry for COP23/FY24 expenditure reporting. The section focuses primarily on how Prime and Subrecipient partners can enter expenditures via the Template or directly on the ERB Processor App, and how to respond to validations for unlikely combinations of program area and beneficiary or cost category. Below are the articles for Guidance for Data Entry: 



Template Data Entry Instructions for Partners

This article focuses on how to enter expenditures into the Expenditure Reporting Template, including:

  • Reporting for Primes
  • Reporting for Subrecipients whose expenditures are greater than or equal to $25,000 
  • Reporting for Subrecipients whose expenditures are less than $25,000
  • How to resolve validations results in the template (broken down by tab).

Reminder!:  In FY24, each template must contain the expenditures for one and only one partner.  Subs and primes CANNOT combine their expenditures into the same excel template as they have in years past.

Template Data Entry Instructions for Partners

DATIM ERB App Data Entry Instructions for Partners

This article focuses on how to enter expenditures via the new ERB App Entry functionality, including:

  • Reporting for Primes 
  • Reporting for Subrecipients whose expenditures are greater than or equal to $25,000  
  • Reporting for Subrecipients whose expenditures are less than $25,000 
  • How to resolve validations results in the ERB Processor App

Please note: Subrecipients are not allowed to access DATIM, so data entry in the ERB App should only be completed by Prime Partners. 

DATIM ERB App Data Entry Instructions for Partners

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