Section 6: Viewing and Revising Partner Data

Marc-Endre Dion -


This section includes all PEPFAR guidance and training for how Partners can view their reported expenditure data, and how, if needed, they can revise data if inaccuracies are identified. The section explains how to access publicly available PEPFAR-provided reports for reviewing expenditures, key metrics that are available on Panorama Spotlight, how to submit an Expenditure Reporting Data Change Request if discrepancies appear between reported expenditures and actuals, and the COP23 Financial Classifications applicable for FY24 and FY25 programming.

Below are the articles for Guidance for Agency Data Review:

Accessing Partner Data on Panorama Spotlight 

This article describes how PEPFAR processes expenditure reporting data and publishes it to the publicly available Panorama Spotlight website. The article also outlines how data can be accessed, and what visualizations are available within Panorama Spotlight.  

Accessing Partner Data on Panorama Spotlight 

Expenditure Reporting Change Request

This article contains instructions and guidance for submitting Expenditure Reporting Data Change Requests. The Expenditure Reporting Data Change Request process has been implemented to allow Implementing Partners, in coordination with Agency Points of Contact (POC) and the PEPFAR Coordinators Office (PCO), to make changes to Expenditure Reporting data after the Cleaning and Resubmission period has closed. Please note: This will be available starting February 2025.

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