Template Data Entry Instructions for Partners

Marc-Endre Dion -


The document described below contains instructions primarily targeted towards Implementing Partners (IPs). They describe how to enter expenditures into the Expenditure Reporting Template, including entering partner metadata, how to report for Primes, Subrecipients whose expenditures are greater than $25,000, and Subrecipients whose expenditures are less than $25,000, and validations that are in the template (broken down by tab) and how to resolve them.  

The document includes:

  • An overview of the ER template 
  • Directions on how to select which tab to report with
  • Error checks for >$25,000 reporting tab
  • Resolving error checks for >$25,000 tab
  • Error checks for <$25,000 reporting tab
  • Resolving error checks for <$25,000 tab
  • Additional DATIM technical support

For guidance on how template expenditures should be submitted into DATIM, please access the DATIM ERB App Data Submission Instructions for Partners guidance.


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