DATIM upgraded to version 1.16 on September 30, 2016, for FY16Q4 data entry (July 2016 - September 2016). The following system updates are listed below.
For a downloadable copy of the release notes, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
NOTE: Prior to ANY data entry (FY16Q4 Results and FY16 Targets), please CLEAR your cache FIRST. This is necessary only once. For instructions on how to clear your cache, please visit the DATIM Support Page.
1. OU (Country) Level Datasets and Indicators
1.1. Dataset Name Change
USG associated datasets at the Country level have been renamed, but forms in which these datasets house have NOT changed.
- Former: MER Results: Operating Unit Level (USG)
- NEW: Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG)
- FY16Q4 National (NAT) results for will be entered here for selected indicators
- Former: MER Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG)
- NEW: Host Country Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG)
- FY16 (October 2015 to September 2016) National (NAT) Targets for will be entered here for selected indicators
Former: MER Results: Narratives (USG)
- NEW: Host Country Results: Narratives (USG)
- PEPFAR (MER) and Host Country (NAT) narratives will be entered here
Former: MER Targets: Narratives (USG)
- NEW: Host Country Targets: Narratives (USG)
- Host Country (NAT) narratives will be entered here for FY16 Targets. NOTE: PEPFAR Narratives (non-NATs) for FY16 should already be entered.
1.2. NAT Indicators
For screenshots of new and updated indicators, please reference the appendix section.
- MER Results: Operating Unit Level (USG)
- Unchanged Indicator: KP_MAT_NAT
- MER Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG)
- Unchanged Indicator: KP_MAT_NAT
1.3. Changes to MER Results: Operating Unit Level (IM) Dataset
For screenshots of new and updated indicators, please reference the appendix section
- NEW Indicator: INVS_COMD
- Located within the newly created INVS program tab
- Updated Indicators: OVC_BERT (Numerator), OVC_BCERT (Denominator), OVC_HIVST (Numerator), OVC_HIVST (Denominator)
- Located within the OVC Survey program tab.
- The age bands have been changed from 15-18 to 15-17
2. PSNU (COP Prioritization) Level Datasets and Indicators
Two new datasets have been created at each country’s PSNU level for COP Prioritization (SUBNAT) data entry.
- NEW: Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG)
- FY16Q4 Sub-national (SUBNAT) results will be entered here for selected indicators
- NEW: Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG)
- FY16 (October 2015 to September 2016) Sub-national (SUBNAT) Targets will be entered here for selected indicators
2.1. SUBNAT Indicators
For screenshots of new indicators, please reference the appendix section. New SUBNAT indicators for Results AND Targets are:
3. Facility and Community Based Indicators
For FY16Q4 entry, modifications for two indicators have been made. For screenshots of new and updated indicators, please reference the appendix section
- Updated Indicators:
- Facility Based ONLY: TX_UNDETECT (Denominator)
- To align with reporting guidance, disaggregates have been added to the TX_UNDETECT Denominator. As a result, TX_UNDETECT have now split into two separate headers: TX_UNDETECT (Numerator) and TX_UNDETECT (Denominator)
- Facility AND Community Based HRH_CURR
- The indicator will now contain Support disaggregates (Salary, Stipend, Non-Monetary Only) for each of the existing categories
- Facility Based ONLY: TX_UNDETECT (Denominator)
4. Additional Updates
Mutually exclusive disaggregates will be enforced during data entry. Users must enter in the Finer Age disaggregates, and may only enter Coarse Age Disaggregates with HQ permission. Once the user begins entering data for either the Finer or Coarse, the other will auto-lock preventing entry.
If users enter data while offline, the mutually exclusive feature will not be active. This means users will be able to enter data for both finer and coarse disaggregates. Once online, users will receive an “error” notification within the data entry boxes – the boxes will turn pink indicating that NONE of the data saved. Data will not be saved until a set of the age disaggregates (either finer or coarse) is removed from entry.
5. Appendix
This section includes screenshots of the new and updated indicators ONLY .
5.1.NAT and SUBNAT Indicators
- PMTCT_STAT_NAT / SUBNAT (Targets and Results)
- PMTCT_ARV_ NAT / SUBNAT (Targets and Results)
- VMMC_CIRC_ NAT / SUBNAT (Targets and Results)
- VMMC_TOTALCIRC_ NAT / SUBNAT (Targets and Results)
- TX_CURR_ NAT / SUBNAT (Targets and Results)
5.2.NAT Indicators ONLY
5.3. Country Level IM Indicators
- OVC_BERT (Numerator)/OVC_BCERT (Denominator)
- OVC_HIVST (Numerator)/OVC_HIVST (Denominator)
5.3. Site Level Indicators
- TX_UNDETECT (Denominator) (Facility Only)
- HRH_CURR (Facility and Community)