Cervical Cancer Adverse Event Data Entry Guide

David Nesbitt Global -

The Cervical Cancer Notifiable Adverse Event (CXCA_NAE) data entry guide, attached to this page, should be used when entering a report into DATIM.

  1. ACCESS: Users can access and enter these forms at the OU level. Contact your User Administrator via register.datim.org to request CXCA NAE access to see the reporting module in the Tracker Capture application.
      • For DATIM User Administrators, the CXCA NAE data stream is labeled “CXAE” in the DATIM User Administration App. If you receive a request from a user to access Cervical Cancer NAE reporting, CXAE is the data stream to which you should give data entry rights.
  2. Each CXCA NAE report created in DATIM will be assigned a “CXCA Unique ID”. This should be noted and will be used when referencing each form’s details. To look up an existing CXCA_NAE Reports, after selecting an OU in the Tracker App, use the “Search” button to search for the CXCA_NAE Unique ID.
  3. Finally, it is important to note that unlike other DATIM data streams, notifiable adverse events are reported throughout the year. There is no data entry period opening or closure. Rather, standard operating procedures should be followed for reporting the NAE into DATIM within the appropriate time frame.

Attachment: CXCA Notifiable Adverse Event Reporting Data Entry Guide

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