DATIM upgraded to version 1.24 on March 28, 2018.
1. Overview of changes
- MER FY18 Results fine 5-year age/sex disaggregates now include : Under 10, 10-14 (M/F), 15-19 (M/F), 20-24 (M/F), 25-29 (M/F), 30-34 (M/F), 35-39 (M/F), 40-49 (M/F), 50+ (M/F). The OVC_SERV indicator is excluded from these changes.
- A Conditional fine age/sex disaggregate has been added to every MER indicator for the 25-49 (M/F) age bands. Note that the 5 year age bands, and the conditional 25-49 year age bands are mutually exclusive and the system will not allow you to enter data into both.
- Updates have been made to the MER Results OVC_SERV Indicator (Semi-Annually reported: FY18Q2 & FY18Q4) to better differentiate between beneficiaries that have exited or transferred out from a PEPFAR partner. This includes a new numerator total auto-calculation as well as a new disaggregate for Transferred or Exited without graduating.
2. Details of changes
2.1. Example HTS_TST fine age/sex disaggregate changes:
2.2. Example of fine age/sex disaggregates (non HTS_TST):
2.3. Example of VMMC_CIRC fine age/sex disaggregate:
Dataset where this update can be found in DATIM = MER Results: Facility Based (and DoD Only) and MER Results: Community Based (and DoD Only). This is for FY18 MER Results ONLY.
- Changes – Numerator total is now calculated by summing Program Status of Active and/or Graduated
- Changes – New disaggregate for Transferred Out (to PEPFAR or non-PEPFAR Partner) or Exited without graduating