Release Notes 1.24.d (June 26, 2018)

Harold Kim -

DATIM Release 1.24.d was deployed as a maintenance release on June 26, 2018. 

DATIM 1.24.d includes an update to the wording of an OVC_HIVSTAT disaggregate.


  • Change wording for disaggregate under OVC_HIVSTAT

 The wording of the data element category option combo for the disaggregate “No HIV status reported to the implementing partner” under OVC_HIVSTAT was changed from "Undisclosed to IP" to "No HIV Status". There was no change to the wording on the data entry screen. This update was made so the data elements match the MER Guidance as "No HIV Status" instead of “Undisclosed to IP”.

This update will be reflected in the code lists – note that there is NO CHANGE to the UID for this data element:

 Please see the document linked below for screenshots.


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