PEPFAR Data Systems and Knowledge Center
Navigation Job Aid
This job aid is a resource for users of the PEPFAR Data Systems and Knowledge Center. The Knowledge Center is designed to be a one-stop shop for systems user resources and technical support. The purpose of the PEPFAR Data and Systems Knowledge Center is to create a sustainable internal and external centralized hub for information about PEPFAR Data and Systems topics including training materials, articles, guidance, access to metadata, research, etc.
The PEPFAR Data and Systems Knowledge Center links to relevant systems’ articles, training guides, infographics, training videos, glossaries, dictionaries, FAQs and other resources in one easy-to-navigate location.
Accessing the Knowledge Center Home Page or the 5 Categories of Information
There are five categories of information: Guidance, Systems Orientation, Data Access, Data Analytics, and Data Use. These categories can be accessed through the home page or by accessing the dropdown menu from the page header.
From the Header
The home page can be accessed from any page in the Knowledge Center by clicking on the logo or title on the top left of the website header. Clicking the header will take you back to the home page; from there you will see icons that link to each of the 5 categories of information.
From the Dropdown Menu
You can also use the dropdown menu to return to the Knowledge Center home page or to directly access any of the 5 categories of information.