Release Notes 1.27.h (March 28, 2019)

Harold Kim -

NOTE: Please clear your browser cache before entering data by following the instructions here. Without clearing your cache first, you run the risk of entering data into the incorrect forms. Clearing your cache is necessary only once on each computer that you use to access DATIM.  Please inform your colleagues with DATIM access of this important notification

For Data Entry form screenshots, please reference the “MER Data Entry Screen Shot Repository” on this DATIM Support Page.

FY19Q2 Code Lists – Due to metadata changes in DATIM, some MER indicator UIDs have been updated or changed. Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date code lists on this DATIM Support Page.

1.    Overview of changes

These updates were deployed to DATIM on March 28, 2019 in preparation for the FY19 Q2 Data entry period opening on April 1, 2019.  This document outlines the FY19Q2 data entry form updates.

  • AGYW_PREV (New)
  • HTS_INDEX (Verbiage update)
  • HTS_RECENT (Manual validation)
  • SIMS 4.0 metadata is now available in DATIM
  • Evaluation Standards of Practice (ESoP) Evaluation Inventory form has been updated to include
    • New and removed data fields
    • Updated response types and options
    • Two new required fields
    • Guidance regarding these data entry changes will be forthcoming from S/GAC

2.    MER Indicator Updates - Prevention Tab

2.1 AGYW_PREV (New)

Dataset Association = Host Country Results:  DREAMS (USG), Host Country Results: Narratives (USG)

  • NEW Indicator for Results


3.    MER Indicator Updates - Testing Tab

3.1.  HTS_RECENT Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only).   


  • Special validation rule: "HTS_RECENT Denominator Only total should be less than or equal to the HTS_TST_POS 15+ and Unknown Ages total" has been created manually due to the limitations of DATIM MerTide tool.



Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Targets:  Community Based (and DoD Only).   


  • HTS_INDEX data entry form's 3rd disaggregate verbiage updated from “Number of contacts elicited by HIV status and age/sex” to “Number of contacts elicited by age/sex”.
  • Removed Positive and Negative disaggregates from “Number of contacts elicited by age/sex” disaggregate, so that it is only disaggregated by coarse age/sex (and unknown age).



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