Introduction to Indicator Mapping
What is Indicator Mapping?
Indicator Mapping is the process of matching the indicator and disaggregation definitions from your country’s MoH system with the indicator and disaggregation definitions used by DATIM.
For those countries that have already completed the indicator mapping process in a previous year, indicator mapping in subsequent years will be focused on maintaining harmonization between the MoH and DATIM mappings.
Why Indicator Mapping?
Indicator Mapping translates MoH definitions to DATIM definitions. When you submit the MoH data, we will use this map to know where to save the MoH data in DATIM.
Indicator Mapping is needed to identify the data element from one system that precisely matches the definition of a data element in another. Most importantly, the results file is submitted with the MoH Definitions.
How can countries keep their Indicators Mapped?
This activity will likely best be completed together by USG and MoH M&E specialists. An MoH HIS specialist or data manager should be consulted to ensure usage of proper MoH indicator and disaggregation codes.
To maintain Indicator Mapping, country teams must have the following:
- The Data Alignment Indicator List and definitions
- The relevant MoH Indicators (including Indicator IDs and definitions)
- Access to the DHIS2 Indicator Mapping App in GeoAlign:
To access the Indicator Mapping App country teams should use Chrome or Firefox. Please note that Microsoft Internet Explorer / Edge is not supported and may not work properly.
Country Teams should submit EITHER Fine OR Coarse disaggregations. Where possible, country teams should use Fine disaggregations to maintain as much consistency with the PEPFAR Indicator list and definitions.
For instructions on how to complete your indicator mapping, please go to the support page below: