4. Activity Components: Facility Reconciliation

Chris Nemarich -

Facility reconciliation (or harmonization) is the process of mapping your country’s DATIM facility list to the MOH facility list and adding any additional MoH facilities not already in DATIM.

After a country has completed mapping DATIM’s facility list to the MOH facility list, then it simply becomes a matter of Maintaining Harmonization between both lists for all subsequent years

Mapping your MOH and DATIM Facilities

Initial Facility Harmonization: Facility Reconciliation App (GOFR) in GeoAlign

  • This method is required when initially aligning DATIM to your MOH’s facility list
  • It is also recommended when there are a larger number of MoH facilities needing to be mapped to DATIM’s OU and there is reasonable concern for creating duplicate facilities
  • Using the App requires a request through DATIM Support in order to set up the environment and temporarily revoke site admin privileges in DATIM while the tool is in use

What facilities from the MoH should be included in the Facility Reconciliation process?

  • All MoH recognized health facilities that provide ART and HIV/AIDS Testing Services.
    • The list may include PEPFAR supported sites.
    • The list must include facilities not supported by PEPFAR.
    • The list must include facilities that reported data.
    • Before importing the MoH facility list into the FacilityRecon app, it is imperative that you filter out any military or sensitive sites.
  • These are sites in MoH where facility-level services are administered. They are always the lowest geographical level in the organizational hierarchy. They do not have children sites.
  • At a minimum the information about each facility should include the following attributes:
    • Facility name
    • Unique ID
    • Latitude and Longitude (if available)
    • Parent hierarchy

How can countries keep their MoH and DATIM lists harmonized?

Countries can keep their lists harmonized by ensuring that all MoH facilities are either mapped to an existing facility in DATIM or are added as a new facility in DATIM. The next section of this document describes the tools and processes that should be used to maintain harmonization between your facility lists.


Maintaining harmonization between the MoH and DATIM facility lists

There are two methods that can be used to help maintain harmonization of facility lists. Use the decision tree below to determine which process is recommended. Please note: you can choose whichever method you would prefer, this decision tree is just meant to be a guide. Then follow the link to the appropriate page to access the supporting guidance about the method you will use.



DATIM’s Organization Unit Application versus the Site Change Template

DATIM’s Organization Unit App:

Site Change Template:

  • DATIM Support’s Site Change Template should be used for bulk adjustments or additions to your facilities

Next Steps:

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