Maintaining Facility Harmonization through DATIM
The purpose of this page is to provide step-by-step guidance to adding and modifying Ministry of Health (MoH) IDs of facilities in DATIM for maintaining Facility Harmonization. This will be conducted through DATIM, though updates here will regularly be pulled into GeoAlign in order to facilitate harmonization between the two systems.
Using the list of unmapped facilities produced by the DATIM MOH Data Importer App, countries can use of the Organization Unit application in DATIM to maintain harmonization of their facility lists using the MoH ID to manually map facilities in DATIM to those in the MoH Facility List.
What is the “MoH ID”?
The “MoH ID” data field is a DHIS2 Org Unit Attribute used for maintaining facility alignment with the
given country’s MoH. This attribute specifically maps the DATIM Operating Unit (OU) to its reciprocal
MoH OU. The MoH ID is referenced as part of the “PEPFAR and MOH Data Alignment” activity,
specifically when importing MoH results (as these are provided with MoH Facility IDs).
Downloading DATIM OU's
Downloading your DATIM OU's will allow you to get a full overview of your facility lists that reside in DATIM in a spreadsheet format. Being able to view which facilities have MOH ID's associated with them.
Directions for Downloading DATIM OU's:
- Click on the DATIM Data Import and Exchange Recourses link
- Scroll down and select the "Org Unit" bullet point under the "DATIM Concepts" section
- These codes are not public; a valid DATIM log in with appropriate access rights is needed to access them.
- moh_id is only available for countries that completed PEPFAR-MOH Alignment Activity
Here you will see a list of Org Units with an "HTML" column and "CSV" column where you can choose which type to download.
When do we need to consider the MoH IDs of facilities in DATIM?
It is imperative to consider the MoH ID of a facility every time changes (adding new facilities,
merging existing facilities, or deleting facilities) to the OU are being conducted so that harmonization
between DATIM and the MoH facility list is maintained. This is especially important in the event two
facilities need to be merged, as the correct MoH ID must remain with the correct facility. This should
also be considered when creating new sites, trying to identify and provide the proper MoH ID. Even
when deleting a facility, you should first ensure that the facility does not contain this ID, as it may be a
valid facility in the MoH Facility List and thus should be maintained. A user with site administration
permissions can add a new facility in DATIM and also add the MoH ID to any existing facility. To modify
or delete existing MoH IDs, you must create a DATIM Support ticket as it might have historical data associated with it.
Step-by-Step Guidance to Add an MoH ID
- Log into DATIM.
- Search 'Organization unit' application in the search box, then click on 'Organization unit' application.
- Navigate OU hierarchy to select a parent site of the facility you want to modify or want to add a new child site to. For example, in the screenshot below we select Bobirwa district to see all of its facilities on the right side of the screen. Once here, we can add a new facility or add an MoH ID to an existing site.
- To add a new MoH facility, follow the instructions on page 3-6 of the DATIM Site Administrator User Guide. You must add the mandatory data fields and the MoH ID.
- To add or edit an MoH ID for an existing facility, first find the facility you want and click the three dots on the right-hand side to find the options. From there, select "Edit". In the example below, we select the Borotsi Clinic to add a missing ID.
- Once you have pulled up the organizational unit form, scroll down until you find the fields for "MOH ID". Add the missing ID number and click ‘Save’. (Note that the MoH Name is optional, though may be helpful to record this, especially if it is different from the names used in DATIM).
- To verify the newly added MoH ID has been recorded, follow steps 5-6 above again to check that the new ID is displayed.