MER 2.4 Training Videos

Marc Mason -

This article contains training videos for the MER 2.4 indicators. 

All video recordings follow the format below. Scroll down to the "Attachments" section to download training slides.

  1. Section 1: Overview of the technical area and related indicators
  2. Section 2: Indicator changes in MER 2.4
  3. Section 3: Review of numerator, denominator, and disaggregations.
    • What is the programmatic justification and intention for the data being collected?
    • How are program managers expected to use this data to make decisions that will improve PEPFAR programming?
    • How does it all come together? How should the data be visualized (e.g., cascades)? How do these indicators relate to other MER indicators?
  4. Section 4: Overview of guiding narrative questions
  5. Section 5: Data quality considerations for reporting and analysis
  6. Section 6: Additional Resources and Acknowledgment


MER 2.4 Indicator Video Recording Link Training Slides
Prevention  https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/9m6rhv61i5  Prevention Training Slides
Cervical Cancer https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/9c3feh5nj7 Cervical Cancer Training Slides
Key Populations (KP) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/8zucnboyte KP Training Slides
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/apxt8k2tk1 PMTCT Training Slides
Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/w9tqk3z7xm OVC Training Slides
 TB and HIV


TB and HIV Training Slides


Lab Training Slides
Adolescent Girls and Young Women Prevention (AGYW_PREV)


AGYW_PREV Training Slides
Testing for Recent HIV-1 Infection (HTS_Recent)


HTS_Recent Training Slides


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