Release Notes 1.29 (January 02, 2020)

Bardha Ajeti -

For a PDF version of these release notes, please see the DATIM Release Notes 2.4_3Jan2020 attachment at the bottom of this page.

For indicator definitions and reporting guidance, please refer to the MER 2.4 Indicator Reference Guide.

For screenshots, please reference the FY20 Results & COP20/FY21 Targets Screenshots on this DATIM Support Page.

FY20 Code Lists – Due to metadata changes in DATIM, many MER indicator UIDs have been updated or changed. Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date code lists on this DATIM Support Page.

1. Overview of changes

These updates were deployed to DATIM on January 3, 2020 in preparation for FY20 Q1 Data MER Results and COP20/FY21 MER Target data entry period opening on January 6, 2020.  This update includes MER FY20 Results and COP20/FY21 Targets data entry form updates (details listed below).

  • New Indicators - Three new MER indicators have been added for FY20 Data Entry:
    • TX_RTT: To be completed quarterly.
    • SC_ARVDISP: To be completed semi-annually.
    • SC_CURR: To be completed semi-annually.
  • Retired Indicator – One MER indicator has been removed for FY20 Data Entry:
    • SC_STOCK: The MER Results: Medical Store data set has been removed from Data Entry.
  • Updated Indicators – Many indicators underwent modifications in the form of new disaggregates, changes to existing disaggregates, reporting frequency, etc. Further details on specific changes for each indicator can be found below.
  • New Narratives - Three new narratives have been added for FY20 Data Entry:
    • Faith-Based Organization Narrative: Priority 1 is to be completed semi-annually by each FCI OU and each FCI-supported implementing partner. Priority 2 is to be completed semi-annually by each FCI OU.
    • MenStar: To be completed semi-annually by each OU.
    • Key Populations Investment Fund (KPIF): To be completed semi-annually by each OU.
  • Updated Narrative – The guiding questions in the DREAMS narrative have been updated.
  • Target Setting Dataset Update - The MER Targets: Facility Based and MER Targets: Community Based datasets will no longer display in Data Entry. Target setting has been moved to the PSNU level in the MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined) dataset.

2. Indicator Updates - Prevention Tab


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • All age bands <15 years have been removed from the MER Targets data entry screen. [Targets]

2.2 PrEP_NEW

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined) 


  • Key Population disaggregate is now required. [Results|Targets]


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Key Population disaggregate is now required. [Results|Targets]


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • New disaggregate added to the “Testing Services” disaggregate group for “Test not required based on risk assessment”. [Results]

2.5 TB_PREV Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • The therapy type (regimen) disaggregates for the numerator were removed. The previous disaggregates were Age/Sex by Type of TB Preventive Therapy by ART Start, and they are now Age/Sex by ART Start. TPT regimen type should now be captured in the indicator narrative. [Results|Targets]

2.6 TB_PREV Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • The denominator was changed from the number of ART patients who “are expected to complete a course of TPT” to those who were initiated on any course of TPT during the previous reporting period. [Results|Targets]
  • The therapy type (regimen) disaggregates for the denominator were removed. The previous disaggregates were Age/Sex by Type of TB Preventive Therapy by ART Start, and they are now Age/Sex by ART Start. TPT regimen type should now be captured in the indicator narrative. [Results|Targets]


Dataset Association = Host Country Results:  DREAMS (USG)


  • Numerator and Denominator have been combined into a single form.
  • Numerator and Denominator disaggregates have been reorganized to better align with AGYW_PREV numerator definition.
  • Added denominator disaggregate to capture AGYW enrolled in DREAMS that have started but not yet completed a DREAMS service/intervention in the reporting period.
  • All disaggregates made mandatory as they are essential to understanding the success and quality of DREAMS programs.

3. Indicator Updates - Testing Tab


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Key Population disaggregate is now required. [Results|Targets]
  • All age bands of <1 year have been removed from the Targets data entry forms. [Targets]
  • The Community VCT modality has been removed from the Targets data entry forms. [Targets]


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Previous numerator and denominator were combined into a single numerator. [Results|Targets]
  • Modality and test result disaggregations were added to align with HTS_TST. [Results|Targets]
  • Pregnancy status disaggregation was removed due to the addition of modality. [Results|Targets]
  • Previous test indication disaggregation (assay, RITA, and not documented) was redefined to align better with reported results and testing algorithms. All assay results will be reported under rapid test for recent infection (RTRI) and confirmed results through viral load testing as part of the RITA will be reported as a subset, where available. [Results]
  • The Targets data entry form has been updated to capture a total number of tests for recent infection across all modalities and will not be disaggregated by RTRI Result. [Targets]


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Age bands of <1 year have been removed from the Targets data entry form. [Targets]


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Results:  Community Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • The Key Population disaggregate is now required on the Results data entry form. [Results]
  • The Key Population disaggregate has been added to the Targets data entry form. [Targets]
  • The Targets data entry form has been updated to capture a total number of self-test kits distributed and will not be disaggregated by Directly Assisted/Unassisted. [Targets]

3.5 PMTCT_STAT Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Age bands of <10 year have been removed from the Targets data entry form. [Targets]

3.6 PMTCT_STAT Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Age bands of <10 year have been removed from the Targets data entry form. [Targets]

3.7 TB_STAT Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Age bands of <1 year have been removed from the Targets data entry form. [Targets]

3.8 TB_STAT Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Age bands of <1 year have been removed from the Targets data entry form. [Targets]

4. Indicators Update - Treatment Tab

4.1 TX_NEW

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • The Key Population Disaggregate is now required. [Results|Targets]


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • A Key Population Disaggregate has been added. [Results|Targets]
  • New disaggregation to collect the quantity of ARVs dispensed to each patient was added to monitor uptake of multi-month dispending (MMD). [Results|Targets]

4.3 TX_RTT

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)

New indicator for FY20 Results

4.4 TX_ML

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)


  • Reporting frequency changed to quarterly to align the reporting of this indicator with other core HIV clinical cascade indicators. [Results]
  • Outcome disaggregations simplified to the following categories: died, lost to follow-up (LTFU), transferred out, and refused (stopped) treatment. [Results]
  • Sub-disaggregation added to the LTFU outcome for patients LTFU after being on treatment for >3 months vs. patients LTFU after being on treatment <3 months. [Results]


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Age bands of <10 year have been removed from the Targets data entry form. [Targets]

4.6 TB_ART Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • The Targets data entry form has been updated to disaggregate by New on ART and Already on ART to align with Results. [Targets]

4.7 TX_TB Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • Numerator removed from Targets data entry form. [Targets]

5. Indicator Updates - Viral Suppression Tab

5.1 TX_PVLS Numerator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • “Not documented” testing indication removed. [Results]
  • A Key Population Disaggregate has been added. [Results]
  • Numerator added to Targets data entry form to align with Results. [Targets]

 5.2 TX_PVLS Denominator

Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only), MER Target Setting: PSNU (Facility and Community Combined)


  • “Not documented” testing indication removed. [Results|Targets]
  • “Targeted” testing indication removed. [Targets]
  • Preg / BF / Indication disaggregate removed. [Targets]
  • A Key Population Disaggregate has been added. [Results|Targets]

6. Indicator Updates - Health Systems Tab


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based

New indicator for FY20 Results


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based

New indicator for FY20 Results


Dataset Association = MER Results:  Facility Based (and DoD Only)


  • Laboratory and point-of-care testing site categories updated to include “rapid test for recent infection”.
  • Laboratory and point-of-care testing site categories updated to remove “other”.

7. Additional data entry indicators updated


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG). 


  • Finer age bands added to VMMC_CIRC_SUBNAT Targets: <1 (M) | 1-4 (M) | 5-9 (M) | 10-14 (M) | 15-19 (M) | 20-24 (M) | 25-29 (M) | 30-34 (M) | 35-39 (M) | 40-44 (M) | 45-49 (M) | 50+ (M) [Targets]


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).


  • Finer age bands added to VMMC_TOTALCIRC_SUBNAT Targets: <1 (M) | 1-4 (M) | 5-9 (M) | 10-14 (M) | 15-19 (M) | 20-24 (M) | 25-29 (M) | 30-34 (M) | 35-39 (M) | 40-44 (M) | 45-49 (M) | 50+ (M) [Targets]


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).


  • Finer age bands added to VL_SUPPRESSION_SUBNAT Targets: <1 (F/M) | 1-4 (F/M) | 5-9 (F/M) | 10-14 (F/M) | 15-19 (F/M) | 20-24 (F/M) | 25-29 (F/M) | 30-34 (F/M) | 35-39 (F/M) | 40-44 (F/M) | 45-49 (F/M) | 50+ (F/M) [Targets]


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).


  • Finer age bands added to TX_CURR_SUBNAT Targets: <1 (F/M) | 1-4 (F/M) | 5-9 (F/M) | 10-14 (F/M) | 15-19 (F/M) | 20-24 (F/M) | 25-29 (F/M) | 30-34 (F/M) | 35-39 (F/M) | 40-44 (F/M) | 45-49 (F/M) | 50+ (F/M) [Targets]


Dataset Association = Host Country Results: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Results: COP Prioritization SNU (USG), Host Country Targets: Operating Unit Level (USG), Host Country Targets: COP Prioritization SNU (USG).


  • Finer age bands added to DIAGNOSED_SUBNAT Targets: <1 (F/M) | 1-4 (F/M) | 5-9 (F/M) | 10-14 (F/M) | 15-19 (F/M) | 20-24 (F/M) | 25-29 (F/M) | 30-34 (F/M) | 35-39 (F/M) | 40-44 (F/M) | 45-49 (F/M) | 50+ (F/M) [Targets]

 8.    Deprecated Indicator(s)

  • SC_STOCK removed for FY20 Result

Organizational hierarchy update

  •  Malawi requested to merge 19 duplicate sites, delete 67 sites, and update 61 sites.
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