Release Notes 1.29.c (January 28, 2020)

Marc Mason -

DATIM Release 1.29.c was deployed on January 28, 2020.

DATIM 1.29.c includes an organizational hierarchy change, a data change, and updated Dedupe Dashboard app


  • Organizational hierarchy update:
    • Ghana requested to relocate 1 site.

  • Data update:
    • Burundi requested 3767 site changes (merges, relocations, and additions)

  • Dedupe dashboard app update:
    • Previously in DATIM a special app was used to view the number of resolved and unresolved deduplication values. With this change, these values will now be available through the DATIM pivot tables instead. The values will be updated once a day and provide a high level summary of the number of resolved and unresolved duplicate values. The DATIM systems team has also created a dashboard available here. Duplicate summary values are available for the current and past quarters. Additional indicators like the percentage of deduplication values which have been resolved have also been included.  Deduplication summary values are now available like other data elements and indicators in the pivot tables, and can be combined with normal MER data elements and indicators for more advanced analysis, by creating your own pivot tables.


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