5.1 > Getting Started with your Import File

Justin Whitaker -

About DAA Import App

The DAA Import App was developed to allow users to upload and validate a result file, enter narratives for MoH indicators, approve the validated file for import into Geoalign and later into DATIM. It simplifies the data import process and can be access from a browser anywhere the internet is available. Additionally, you can download multiple files/ reports once the file is uploaded and processed. These includes:

  • The uploaded Result file
  • Results Summary Table Report
  • Mappings for Indicators Report
  • Transformed Site-level Data Report


Getting Started

Before you begin, you must have completed and successfully reconcile your facilities and mapped your applicable FY indicators and created your results file to upload.

Results File Format and Content

The results file must be formatted as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) document using a flat-file structure. The file must consist of at minimum the following column headings below:

  • MOH_Facility_ID : This column stores the MoH’s unique identifier for facilities which was defined during the Facility Reconciliation exercise. For more information on facility reconciliation and the tools used during this process, please visit - Activity Components: Facility Reconciliation.
  • MOH_Indicator_ID: This column stores the MoH’s indicator code which was defined in the Indicator Mapping exercise. For more information on mapping indicators and the tools used during this process, please visit – Activity Component: Indicator Mapping.
  • MOH_Disag_ID: This column stores the MoH’s disaggregation code, as defined in the Indicator Mapping exercise.
  • Value: This column stores the MoH’s numerical result value of the respective indicator and facility, accounting for a full 12 consecutive month cycle, as specified by the period.
  • Period: This column stores the reporting period for which the results are being submitted for.


Important: - The reporting period must align with that of the applicable FY reporting period. For example: COP21/FY22 reporting period which begins October 1, 2021 and ends September 30, 2022. The period must be in entered in the format of YYYYMMM e.g. “2021Oct”.


Important: The order of the five fields above is not essential, but the header names need to match the five field headers as listed above. Changes to the header name will cause errors when importing.

This example demonstrates the first four lines of the Results File as seen in MS Excel:


Here are the first four lines of the Results File as seen in a generic text editor:


The figure below demonstrates the names (in Columns F, G, and H) to help you better understand the IDs. You do not need to include the name fields in the results file.



The next support page provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct your import:

5.2 > Import App



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