Step-by-Step Guide to the DAA Import App
Step 1. Login into GeoAlign
To access the DAA Import App, you will need to have access to GeoAlign ( If you do not have access, please submit a request to the DATIM Support team at Once you have access to GeoAlign, please login using your username and password.
Search for the DAA Import App using the ‘Search apps’ icon in the menu bar and select the app.
The app defaults to the page below where you can select the period you would like to submit results for, view previous imports, and the results of those imports.
By default, the page provides users with a list of prior uploads including details of the validation results for each file that was uploaded. Additionally, the app automatically loads the current reporting period including the country that was assigned to the user. A progression bar is available to allow you to track where you are in the submission process including tabs that you can use to navigate between the data import page and the narrative entry page.
Step 2. Importing Results File for Validation
- Change selected period/ country (if applicable).
Select the period from the dropdown list if you are not submitting results for the current period. Also, there may be cases where you are assigned to multiple countries. If that is the case, you will also need to use the country dropdown list to change the country you are submitting the results for.
Important: Make sure that the period and the country selected are correct before submitting your results file.
- Click on the "Upload New File" button to access the file upload page.
- Click on the button and select the result file that you want to upload.
Important: Only files with the .CSV extension can be uploaded.
- Click the "Import" button to upload a result file to initiate the validation process. If at any time you want to cancel uploading a new result file and return to view a history of uploads, click the "Cancel" button.
Important: It will take 1–2 minutes for the process to complete. Once it is completed, the file will be available for review in the History list. If for any reason you would want to change the file you just uploaded, you will need to click on the "Upload New File" button again and upload a new file.
Step 3. Review and Resolve Validation Issues
- The validation status of each file upload is in the Status column within the History list. The latest file uploaded will always be the first record in the list.
If the validation failed, the reason why will be shown under the Validation Results Summary. Details of the validation errors will also be displayed including how much records have issues. For each failed validation, the type is displayed in red as the header, followed by the detailed information about where the error occurred in the results file.
For Central Support a warning sign will show up if there is data that violates the validation rule
Important: Only a subset of rows with issues will be displayed. You will need to download the Error Report using the "Download Error Report" button to get the full list of issues. For help with resolving validation issues, use the Click here for help in troubleshooting this validation error link.
Important: You will need to resolve all issues and upload the corrected file before you can move forward to the next step. A sample of the error file is shown below.
Step 4. Review Import Count
When your file passes validation, the validation results will be shown in green. Review the validation results to ensure the data being displayed is correct before moving on to the next step.
The Import Count and Results Summary tables will also show. Both contains a count of the transformed data in DATIM indicators and disaggregates and includes fields such as DATIM indicator, indicator ID, type, DATIM disag, sum of results, count of the result.
Also, you can perform other actions using the following buttons.
- Download Imported File: Downloads the imported file you uploaded during the submission process in a CSV format.
- Download Results Summary Table: Downloads the results summary table in CSV format.
- Download Indicator Mapping: Downloads the indicator mappings used for this submission. The indicator mapping is the one you submitted during the indicator mapping activity
Step 5. Import Data into GeoAlign
After you have reviewed the validation summary you can proceed with importing the data into GeoAlign. Click on the "Next -> Import Into GeoAlign" button to start importing the data into GeoAlign. Note, the button will be disabled during the process, which takes 1–2 minutes.
Step 6. View Submission Details
After the import process is completed, the status of your import will change from ‘Validation passed’ to ‘Imported into GeoAlign’.
Additionally, the buttons below will also appear
- Download Transformed Site Level Data: Downloads the transformed site-level data.
- DHIS2 Pivot Tables: Views the imported data displayed in DHIS2 pivot table.
Step 7. Enter Narratives Data
After successfully importing data into GeoAlign, click on the "Next -> Narratives Review" button to go to the Narratives Editor page. Click on the "Edit" button to add a narrative description for each indicator. Click the "Save" button to save the changes you have made.
Step 8. Approve Submission for DATIM
When you are done with updating the narrative text, the last step in the click on the "Approve and Complete Submission" button at the bottom of the Narratives Editor page. Once you click the button, the confirmation message below will appear.
Important: - If you need to make changes at this time, you will not be allowed to. You will need to contact your PEPFAR Program Manager (PPM) to request for the submission to be reverted before you can make changes. Once the PPM has notified you that your submission was reverted, you can process with importing a new data file.