Release Notes 1.30.p (December 03, 2020)

Lindsey Turk -

DATIM Release 1.30.p was deployed on December 03, 2020.

DATIM 1.30.p includes the releases of DATIM COP19/FY20 Dashboards. These dashboards provide curated visualizations of MER data, drawing on recommended visualizations from the MER 2.4 Guidance.

These dashboards are available to all users in the dashboard navigation area of DATIM and are organized by technical or thematic area:

  • COP19/FY20 1. Clinical Cascade Dashboard
  • COP19/FY20 2. Testing Dashboard
  • COP19/FY20 3. Treatment Dashboard
  • COP19/FY20 4. PMTCT Dashboard
  • COP19/FY20 5. Key Pops and Prevention Dashboard
  • COP19/FY20 6. Cervical Cancer Dashboard
  • COP19/FY20 7. TB Cascade Dashboard


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