DATIM Release 1.31.i was deployed on February 23, 2021.
DATIM 1.31.i includes organizational hierarchy changes, data changes, and data entry updates.
- Organizational hierarchy update:
- Ethiopia requested to rename 1 site
- Namibia requested to add 1 site
- Rwanda requested to add 8 sites and update 4 sites
- Senegal requested to add 22 sites and update 6 sites
- Sierra Leone requested to remove 2 sites
- Data Update:
- Mozambique requested to correct data for FY20 Q3 MER Results for 1 site: The data counted in TX_CURR should be switched with data in TX_NEW for mechanism 81776 as they were entered by mistake.
- Data Entry updates:
- The Central Support data type that was added for FY21 reporting has been updated to allow data entry on a quarterly basis as needed. Per the MER 2.5 Indicator Reference Guide, Central Support data will generally continue to be reported on an annual basis; however, there may be small number of Operating Units that report these data quarterly. Please reach out to your PPM if you have any questions on reporting these data.
- All validation rules comparing the Key Population disaggregate total to the Age/Sex disaggregate total for each indicator have been updated to compare the Key Population totals to only the 15+ age band totals for the corresponding indicator.