Release Notes 1.31.ad (August 17, 2021)

Marc Mason -

DATIM Release 1.31.ad was deployed on August 17, 2021.
DATIM 1.31.ad includes Tracker Capture Application updates.

  • VMMC Notifiable Adverse Event Reporting DATIM Launch:
    • Launched Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Notifiable Adverse Events (VMMC NAE) reporting. Previously, VMMC Notifiable Adverse Events were reported via email using a PDF form for those partners who support PEPFAR VMMC programs. This form has now been converted into a DATIM Tracker Capture form. All new VMMC Notifiable Adverse Events should now be entered, tracked, and submitted in DATIM. Any existing VMMC NAEs already in process should continue using the PDF form and previous process until completed.
    • Important Details to Note:
        1. Users can access and enter these forms in the Tracker Capture application, at the OU level. Contact your User Administrator via register.datim.org to request the proper access if you cannot see the Tracker Capture application or are unable to see the VMMC NAE report in the Tracker Capture app in DATIM.
        2. For DATIM User Administrators, The VMMC NAE data stream is labeled “MCAE” in the DATIM User Administration App because of character length limitations (MCAE stands for Medical Circumcision Adverse Events). If you receive a request from a user to access VMMC NAE reporting, MCAE is the data stream to which you should give data entry rights.
        3. Resources: The VMMC NAE DATIM Data Entry Guide is available on the DATIM Support Site (here). Please reference this when making a report in DATIM.
        4. Each VMMC NAE report created in DATIM will be assigned a “VMMC Unique ID”. This should be noted and will be used when referencing each form’s details.
        5. Please note: Unlike other data streams in DATIM, notifiable adverse events are reported throughout the year. There is no data entry period opening or closure. Rather, standard operating procedures should be followed for reporting the NAE into DATIM within the appropriate time frame.
  • Any guidance questions or concerns about VMMC Adverse Event reporting can be sent to VMMC_AE@state.gov. Technical issues should be sent to DATIM Support.


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