MER 2.6 Training Videos

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This article contains training videos for the MER 2.6 indicators. 

Note: When indicated, please refer to the MER 2.4 training for indicators that have not changed. Indicators that have been updated are noted in bold in the table below and are marked as "Yes" in the far right column of the table.

All video recordings follow the format below. Scroll down to the "Attachments" section to download training slides.

  1. Section 1: Overview of the technical area and related indicators
  2. Section 2: Indicator changes in MER 2.5 (or MER 2.4 if the indicator has not changed)
  3. Section 3: Review of numerator, denominator, and disaggregations.
    • What is the programmatic justification and intention for the data being collected?
    • How are program managers expected to use this data to make decisions that will improve PEPFAR programming?
    • How does it all come together? How should the data be visualized (e.g., cascades)? How do these indicators relate to other MER indicators?
  4. Section 4: Overview of guiding narrative questions
  5. Section 5: Data quality considerations for reporting and analysis
  6. Section 6: Additional Resources and Acknowledgment


MER 2.6 Indicator Video Recording Link Training Slides Updated for MER 2.6?
Prevention & Support
Prevention (PrEP_CT, PrEP_NEW) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/9qiyb1y8sg  Click for slides Yes
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/84hik9w2ea  Click for slides Yes
Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Please use this link to the MER 2.4 training: https://datim.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037395772-MER-2-4-Training-Videos  

Please use the MER 2.4 link at left. No  changes for MER 2.6. 
Testing (HTS_TST, HTS_INDEX, HTS_SELF) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/co12fafrxd  Click for slides Yes
Recency Testing (HTS_RECENT) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/ruj95j9665  Click for slides Yes
Treatment https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/n0e6s46j5t  Click for slides Yes
Viral Suppression
Viral Suppression (Viral Load) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/ch2impq1gs  Click for slides Yes
Health Systems

Please use this link to the MER 2.4 training: https://datim.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037395772-MER-2-4-Training-Videos  

Please use the MER 2.4 link at left. No major changes for MER 2.6.
Commodities and Supply Chain https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/jlcatmdjy7  Click for slides Yes
Tuberculosis (TB) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/rxganaffuq  Click for slides Yes
Special Initiatives & Focus Areas
Cervical Cancer Screening & Treatment (CXCA) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/54buw0nkvt  Click for slides Yes
DREAMS (AGYW_PREV) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/jeagjg7w0z  Click for slides Yes
Key Populations (KP) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/kgb0myp91a  Click for slides Yes
Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC) https://state-2030.wistia.com/medias/cbkql2yjbo  Click for slides Yes



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