Evaluation SOP (ESOP) Dashboards and TEI Reports User Guide

Noah Nyhart -

There are two ways to generate an ESoP Report in DATIM: From the SRE Dashboard or through the TEI Reports.

ESOP Dashboards in DATIM

There are several custom dashboards to examine new and ongoing ESoP activities throughout the activity’s lifecycle. You will also be able to view information about recently completed adherence checklists.

Below are detailed instructions on how to access ESoP Dashboards:

  1. Login to DATIM
  2. Navigate to the ‘SRE Dashboard’ in the ribbon on the top


  1. Here is a list of the ESOP analytic reports on the SRE Dashboard:

a. ESOP Enrollments FY22 – All enrollments entered during the FY22 data entry period

b. ESOP Planning Updates FY22 – All Planning Form updates with “FY2022 Q2 or Q4” entered for the ‘ESOP FY RP planning form is being created’ data element

c. ESOP Semi-Annual Status Updates FY22 - All Semi-Annual Status updates with “FY2022 Q2 or Q4” entered for the ‘ESOP FY and reporting period of status update’ data element

d. ESOP Adherence Checklist and ESOP Adherence to Standards FY22 – All Adherence Checklists with “FY2022 Q2 or Q4” entered for the ‘ESOP FY and Reporting Period Status update_adhere’ data element

e. Completed Evaluations by Agency FY22 (Q2-Q4) – Count of each type of evaluation by agency that were entered as ‘completed’ in the Semi-Annual Status Update for FY22 Q2 or FY22 Q4

f. F Data Call Ongoing Evaluations by Type by Agency FY22 – All Evaluations entered as Confirmed in COP, Newly Commencing, or Ongoing in the Semi-Annual Status Update for FY22 Q2 or FY22 Q4

g. ESOP Deactivated by FY – All evaluations that were entered as deactivated in the Enrollment Form

h. ESOP Completed by FY – All evaluations that have a completed Adherence Checklist (this means that the Adherence Checklist has been fully filled out and the ‘Complete’ button at the bottom of the data entry screen has been clicked)

i. ESOP Enrollments FY21 – same as above but for FY21

j. ESOP Planning Updates FY21 – same as above but for FY21

k. ESOP Semi-Annual Status Updates FY21 – same as above but for FY21

l. ESOP Adherence Checklist and ESOP Adherence to Standards FY21 – same as above but for FY21

m. Completed Evaluations by Agency FY21 (Q2-Q4) – same as above but for FY21

n. F Data Call Ongoing Evaluations by Type by Agency FY21 – same as above but for FY21



  1. Navigate to the ‘Reports’ App by clicking on the 9 dots on the top right of your DATIM homepage


  1. Click ‘Standard Report’


  1. Find and click ‘ESOP Line List’


  1. Select your OU and click ‘Generate Report’ – use arrows to expand and collapse geographic areas. Note that SRE activities are reported at the OU level

  1. The report will populate in the browser. Columns have different color headings to indicate which program stage that information is entered.

    a. Blue headers are from the Enrollment Form

    b. Red headers are from the Planning Form

    c. Green headers are from the Semi-Annual Status Update Form

    d. Purple headers are from the Adherence Checklist Form

  2. This report can also be downloaded by clicking the ‘Download CSV’ button on the top right of the page



Using the Downloaded ESOP TEI Report

  1. Navigating the ESOP TEI Report. Here is where to find the data for each form:
              a. Enrollment Form Columns – A to CP
              b. Planning Form Columns – CQ to CZ
              c. Semi-Annual Status Update Form Columns – DA to DG
              d. Adherence Checklist Form Columns – DH to EU
  2. Add a filter to Row 1


  1. Filtering for your OU – Navigate to Column B and select your OU(s) from the drop down

  1. Filtering for your Agency – Navigate to Column E and select your Agency from the drop down

  1. Filtering by Primary Evaluation Type – Navigate to Column AY and select your Primary Evaluation Type

  1. Filtering for ‘Ongoing’ Evaluations –

a. Navigate to Column DO and select ‘Blanks’ which will filter out all evaluations that have an Adherence Checklist, which indicates the evaluation is complete

b. Navigate to Column DC and deselect Discontinued and Not Implemented – this will filter out evaluations that have been discontinued or not implemented, but will keep ongoing evaluations and evaluations that are marked as completed but with no Adherence Checklist

     7. Filtering for ‘Completed’ Evaluations – this will include all evaluations that have a completed Adherence Checklist

a. Navigate to Column DO and select No, Partial, and Yes. Do not select ‘Blanks’


  1. Filtering by anticipated completion date – This will filter for all anticipated completions without an Adherence Checklist and allows agency users to follow up on possible delayed evaluations

a. Navigate to Column DO and select ‘Blanks’

b. Navigate to Column CY (Planning Form ESOP Evaluation completion date) and select all dates prior to 2021 and ‘Blanks’

i. Blank entries in CY means that the Planning Form is either not started or incomplete and needs to be updated

  1. Filtering for Evaluations missing an Adherence Checklist

a. Option 1

i. Navigate to Column DC and select ‘Completed’

ii. Navigate to Column DO and select ‘Blanks’

b. Option 2 - offers a more holistic picture of evaluations nearing completion and needing an adherence checklist

i. Navigate to Column CV and select ‘Report Writing Cleared, Report Writing Disseminated, and Report Writing in Clearance’

ii. Navigate to Column DO and select ‘Blanks’


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