COP22 ​PEPFAR Budget and Projected Expenditure Template

Carlos Palacio -


The FY23 Template posted between June 21st and June 29th, 2022, contained an error and should not be used. The error was corrected, and a new template was posted on June 30th.

Please ensure to use the Template located at the bottom of this page labeled “FY23_PEPFAR_Budget_and_Projected_Expenditure_Template_V3.xlsx.”



For COP22/FY23 PEPFAR Budget and Projected Expenditure reporting, all Implementing Partners will report using a generic, standardized Excel template, which will be uploaded via DATIM. 

The official template for COP22 PEPFAR Budget and Projected Expenditure is linked below. 

Notes on File Format  

  1. This file is protected (locked) and must remain protected to successfully upload to DATIM.  
  2. Implementing Partners should name their file as “FY23_PEPFAR_Budget_and_Projected_Expenditure_[MechanismID].xlsx”
  3. This file must be saved with an “.xlsx” file type. If uploaded as another file type, you will not be able to successfully upload into DATIM.  

This template should be used for reporting Fiscal Year 2023 (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023) PEPFAR program budget and projected expenditure data by Implementing Mechanism. 

All guidance and instructions can be found on this DATIM Support site. 


The FY23 Template posted between June 21st and June 29th, 2022, contained an error and should not be used. The error was corrected, and a new template was posted on June 30th.

Please ensure to use the Template below labeled “FY23_PEPFAR_Budget_and_Projected_Expenditure_Template_V3.xlsx.”

Update: “FY23_PEPFAR_Budget_and_Projected_Expenditure_Template_V3.xlsx.” includes a program area and beneficiary selected in Intervention 35 with no cost categories entered. Please disregard this or delete them if not used. If it is left on the template, there may be an associated warning that can be disregarded when uploaded into DATIM.

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