Global Partner DATIM Accounts

David Nesbitt Global -

DATIM now supports a Global  Partner (IP) account. Specifically, a Global Partner account is a read-only account for a PEPFAR Implementing Partner that operates in more than one country (OU).

What you can access with a Global Partner Account:

  1. View all your MER data in DATIM across all associated Implementing Mechanisms and Organization Units within which your organization operates. This includes all unapproved MER data.
  2. Use the DATIM Analytic Dashboards for your partner’s mechanisms to view data across OUs, and drill down to OUs of interest.
  3. Access the Genie App to pull large MER data extracts.
  4. View Evaluation Standards of Practice (ESoP) and VMMC Notifiable Adverse Event data in the Tracker App or Events Report App.

What you cannot access with a Global Partner Account:

  1. No access to Expenditure Reporting (ER), Human Resource for Health (HRH) Inventories, or the Digital Health Investment (DHI) tool data. Availability to view these data streams, with this account type, is under review for a potential future upgrade to the Global User Role in DATIM.
  2. No access to the COP Data Pack validation and processing tool(s) (e.g., Data Pack Self-Service App).

Two ways to request a Global Partner Account

  1. Contact a DATIM User from your Implementing Partner organization with User Admin access and request they send you a DATIM Global Partner account invitation.
  2. Submit a request through register.datim.org 


How to send Global Partner user account invitations through the DATIM User Administration App

First, navigate to the User Administration Application.

In the top section, select the from the dropdowns (green box):

  1. Country = Global
  2. User Type = Global Partner
  3. Partner = *Only your organization should be an option
  4. Enter the email address of the new user
  5. Locale (language) = English is the default, but other languages can be selected.
  6. OPTIONAL – Check the User Administrator box if you want to give them access to the User Administration app and the ability to invite other users.

Data Streams (purple box):

In the middle section, you can configure which data streams the new user can access in DATIM.

  • DHI = Digital Health Investment
  • ER = Expenditure Reporting
  • ESOP = Evaluation Standards of Practice
  • HRH = Human Resources for Health
  • MER = Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting
  • MCAE = VMMC Notifiable Adverse Events

Data Actions (yellow/gold box):

In the last section, Global Partner Accounts are automatically given the “View Unapproved Data” ability.

Click “Send Invite” (pink button, blue box below), once all the fields have been entered.







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