3.2 > Indicator Mapping Import Feature

Maereg Sorri -

Step by step Guide to Indicator Mapping Import feature

This article is a step by step guide to using the Indicator Mapping app’s import functionality. This feature allows users to provide new or updated mappings through a CSV file.

For guidance around the indicator mapping app itself, please refer to This Article (section 3.1).


Downloading existing mappings to a file. 

To generate the template to use for indictor mapping modifications or additions, simply open the Indicator Mapping app and click the 'Download' button to download the .csv file.  This file contains your current mappings for the selected reporting period, which will be used as your base template for the uploading functionality.


Note: When downloading your file, it will only contain the mappings (or placeholders for mappings) in accordance to the 'Disaggregation Type Selected'.  This is because your results data must all be the same disaggregation type (multiple types are not supported).

For example, if 'Disaggregation Type Selected', is Fine for HTS_TST and Coarse for PMTCT_ART


then on the file, you will have only Fine disaggregation for HST_TST and only Coarse disaggregation for PMTCT_ART.



Updating the downloaded file:

Please use applications like Excel to open the file for the following:

  • Making modifications: If your downloaded file contains mappings, please review, update and correct any errors. You can also add new mappings or remove current mappings as needed. Once you upload error-free file you will be able to see your updated Indicator mappings on the application.
  • Adding Mappings: If your downloaded file is empty (no previous mappings present on the application), Please work on file to add all the mappings you want to submit.
  • Verify the correctness of your mappings: You can download your final Indicator mappings to do last minute checks and verify all your indicator mappings are included. With this option, if all mappings are present and are as expected, no need to upload back, you can move on to the submission process. However, if some changes need to be made, update the file and upload back. Please always verify your mappings either on the app or on the downloaded file before submission.

When adding or making changes to the file, Please check if the following validations are in place.

  1. It is a comma delimited file (e.g. a .CSV file)
  2. Headers are valid
  3. Disaggregation Type should be valid for an indicator (e.g. you cannot select Coarse if the indicator only has Fine disaggregation)
  4. Disaggregation Type should be consistent across indicator (you cannot provide mappings for both Coarse and Fine in one mapping file; the disaggregation type selected is that will be selected)
  5. No duplicate rows are permitted (repeat line with same MoH Indicator ID/MoH Disaggregation ID for a given DATIM Indicator ID/Disaggregation ID)
  6. No invalid characters for MoH IDs (only alphanumerics and _-.)
  7. Valid operator must be selected for each row (Add or Subtract)
  8. MoH Indicator ID must be present if MoH Disaggregation ID is present
  9. MoH Indicator Name must be present if MoH Indicator ID is present; MoH Disaggregation Name must be present if MoH Disaggregation ID is present.

Uploading a file:

To import mappings from a CSV file, click on the upload button to select a file from your file directory.


Once you click on upload button, a window will be open to select a file, please choose the .csv file with the correct mappings to upload to the application.



After clicking on open, A dialog box will open. Please read the message carefully. If you decide to upload, proceed with clicking on the upload button on the dialog box.


Next, if your file passes all validation checks noted above, a green message box pop up to indicate that it was a successful upload. Please wait a few seconds for the page to refresh to see your changes reflected on the app.


Once successfully uploaded and the page is refreshed, please review each indicator and disaggregation type to

  1. Verify all your mappings are uploaded.
  2. Correct if any errors are found.

Handling Errors Messages:

Errors on upload are caught in two ways.

  • When uploading a file: These errors are caught before uploading the mappings. No change on the existing mappings on the application will take place while attempting to upload files with such type of errors.
    1. Incorrect Headers.
    2. Incorrect Operations.
    3. Incorrect disaggregation Types on file.
    4. Empty .csv file
    5. Incorrect file type (.txt, .json, .xlsx…)
  • After successful upload in the mapping app. In this case, Mappings on the application are updated but errors need to be corrected on the app or on the file before submission.
    1. Invalid characters on ID’s
    2. Missing Disaggegration Id/Name, Missing Indicator Id/Name

During unsuccessful uploads, an error message box will pop up stating there is an error on file. In such cases, please read into the error message and retry with a corrected file.

Examples of errors caught before uploading:

  1. when CSV Headers are not correct or missing, the following error message will appearmceclip6.png
  2. When Coarse Disaggregation is being submitted for PMTCT_ART when the Disaggregation Type Selected is Fine.mceclip7.png

    Note that in this type of error (Disaggregation miss-match) The application will list up to 10 rows that needs correction, if more than 10, it will state how many in total need correction. In this case, please review and correct the file for several errors.

  3. When Incorrect Operation Type is submitted on one of the rows.mceclip12.png

Examples of errors after uploading:




For further information around errors and how to resolve, please see the indicator mapping guide 'section 3.1'.


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