I need a new user account

Leticia Richeson -

  1. Go to register.datim.org.
  2. Enter required information needed in order to ensure that you’re provided with the proper level of access to DATIM.
  3. Submit your request! Once submitted, it may take up to 2 business days to receive a notification at the email address you provide.
  4. You will also have to create an Okta (okta.state.gov) account, which will be routed to the same email address you provided in your New Account Request

TIP: You can review DATIM user types on this page.


*register.datim.org will limit incoming account requests to 1 per 48-hour period per email address to limit SPAM, and will return an error if a user requests multiple accounts inside that time window.

  • If a user requires setting up multiple accounts, please ask for that in a support ticket.  Our Tier I User Support team will assist you with that request. Support Agents will CC each OU’s Primary User Admins on those tickets, alerting them to this account request, or re-enable request.

What happens next? Your request is routed to a Primary User Administrator (PUA Guide)

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