DATIM Terms of Service

Leticia Richeson -

By accessing DATIM, I understand and agree to the provisions of the Data Use Policy, User Access Policy, and OMB Bulletin 12-01 governing the use and distribution of DATIM data, including statements below:

  1. Most information contained in the DATIM system is considered Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) and I will treat it as such. SBU is generally exempt from public disclosure, and depending on the type of information, dissemination may be restricted even within the federal government. This may include preliminary and planning information, business-confidential information protected by the Trade Secrets Act, or information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974.

  2. Sharing DATIM login information is strictly prohibited. I agree to safeguard my username and password at all times. If I believe my login has been compromised, I will change my password immediately and contact http://help.datim.org.

  3. I will not disclose procurement sensitive information contractor bid or proposal information and/or source election information directly or indirectly to any person other than individuals authorized to receive or have access to such information

  4. I will not disclose inter/intra-agency communications, including e-mail messages that form part of the internal deliberative processes of the U.S. Government (USG), the disclosure of which could harm such processes. Furthermore, I am aware that I must avoid inadvertent transmission of SBU information prohibited on the Internet, including use of "auto-forward" function to send emails to an address outside of the Department's network

  5. I will take extra time to verify data contained in DATIM reports before using or distributing such reports even internally. Rather than editing and existing report for a purpose other than originally intended, I will encourage obtaining the information directly from the system to avoid misrepresenting or misinterpretation of system information

  6. I understand that unauthorized disclosures of such information could result in administrative disciplinary action and/or civil and criminal penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and loss of employment under the Procurement Integrity Act or other applicable laws and regulations.

  7. I will promptly refer any questions or concerns regarding compliance to the appropriate agency procurement ethics, or legal official(s). When in doubt, I will contact DATIM Support at http://help.datim.org.
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