PEPFAR MER Cleaning Favorites
PRIME has created curated cleaning favorites for the MER indicators beginning in FY19 to be used by field teams to perform quality control checks on their data. These curated favorites are in the form of pivot tables and are accessible via DATIM.
Purpose: These curated cleaning favorites are created as a starting point for reviewing quarterly data. These curated favorites’ layouts emulate the MER data entry screen. This allows for DATIM users to review the totals of MER indicators and if the totals are not equal to the users’ expected result, users can look at the disaggregated data to see where a data error is present.
These curated favorites also include the MER indicators that are calculated by auto-summing data entered into other indicators and/or disaggregates (i.e. VMMC_CIRC, HTS_TST numerator, HTS_RECENT numerator, etc.). Users should use these tables to check if their auto-summed indicator value is accurate. If not, users may use the curated favorite table to check in which indicator/disaggregate the data error occurred and clean accordingly during the data cleaning period.
NAMING CONVENTION: In DATIM’s Data Visualizer app, each curated cleaning favorite has the following naming convention:
PEPFAR FY19Q1 Results <Indicator> <’N’ or ‘D’><Disaggregation, if any> Completeness Review Pivot
The ’N’ or ‘D’ represents Numerator or Denominator. For example, for the numerator of PMTCT_STAT disaggregated by Age/Sex/KnownNewResult, the canned cleaning favorite is named:
“PEPFAR FY19Q1 Results PMTCT_STAT N AUTO-SUM Age/Sex/KnownNewResult Completeness Review Pivot”
Note: if the indicator is calculated by auto-summing other indicators and/or disaggregates, “AUTO-SUM” will be present in the favorite’s name (as seen in above example).
HOW TO USE: Starting from a curated favorite, DATIM users may use the group set options on the left side of the Data Visualizer app to customize the curated favorite for their own use. After customization, users may also save the edited favorite under a new name to retain the favorite for future use. Note: once a curated favorite is edited by a user, it cannot be guaranteed that the favorite will be displaying the correct data the user is querying.
ACCESS: DATIM users can access the curated favorites by going to the “MER Result & Target Review Favorites” Dashboard and clicking through the nested menu. The curated favorites display data directly from the live DATIM system. This means that data may change/differ based on your user role permissions, whether data entry or data cleaning is in-progress, and whether data has been approved.
NESTED MENU FORMAT: The nested menu navigation is structured following the data entry screens. The menu follows this logic: Results vs Targets > Programmatic Area (Prevention, Testing, Treatment, etc) > Indicator > Disaggregation Type > Reporting Period. Note that there are sometimes many different disaggregation types for one indicator. These reflect updates to the MER Guidance and Indicators over the years. The link will redirect users to the curated cleaning favorite in DATIM.